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Study Habits Test Report
• The purpose of this Study Habits Report is self-discovery. It is designed to help people identify their natural abilities, personality strengths and their study habits . Our Study Habits Test Report should not be used to identify or diagnose psychological, mental health and/or medical problems. The user assumes sole responsibility for any actions or decisions that are made as a result of using this report and self- discovery. By using the study habits test Report , you explicitly waive and relinquish any and all claims of any nature against EduKraft Learning and/or their employees arising out of or in connection with the use of this Report.
Disclaimer for Personality/Interest test
• High/low scores do not mean anything good or bad projected in you through the test. It is usually an inter mix of different factors in the same persona.
Preview of Streams/Careers
• Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this report at the time of printing. However, this information could be subject to change.
• For all tests; the results interpreted in these tests are based on the answers provided by the individuals/applicant. We (EduKraft Learning) will not be held responsible for any difference or correctness of the same.
These test assessments are made for educational and/or personal purposes only and thus the inferences found within this report should be viewed with unbiased consideration.