Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

This page states the terms and conditions under which you (Visitor) may visit this web site. Please read this page carefully. If you do not understand or accept the terms and conditions stated here, we would request you to exit this site. The following terms and conditions, along with all other terms and legal notices located on www.edukraftlearning.com (collectively, "terms"), govern your use of www.edukraftlearning.com (the "website"). Your use of this website at any time constitutes a binding agreement by you to abide by these terms.
Restrictions regarding materials:
We explicitly disclaim, and will not accept any responsibility for any of the following in respect of the sites that we link you to:
1. All information, documents, software, images, photographs, text, services, logos, graphics, sounds and other similar materials (herein after referred to as, "materials") contained in this website are provided by ' EduKraft Learning ' or its associates, authors, developers and vendors ("Third party providers") and are the copyrighted work of ' EduKraft Learning ' and/or the respective third party providers. Except as stated herein, none of the materials may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written consent from ' EduKraft Learning and the third party provider.
2. Nothing on this website shall be construed as conferring any license under any of ' EduKraft Learning ' or any third party provider's intellectual property rights, whether by estoppels, implication, or otherwise. You acknowledge sole responsibility for obtaining any such licenses.
3. Permission is granted to display, copy, distribute and download ' EduKraft Learning ' materials on this website provided that:
(1) Both the copyright notice identified below and this permission notice appear in the materials
(2) The use of such materials is solely for personal, non-commercial and informational use and will not be copied or posted on any networked computer or broadcast in any media, and
(3) No modifications of any of the materials is allowed. This permission terminates automatically without notice if you breach any of aforesaid terms or conditions. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy any downloaded or printed materials. Any unauthorized use of any materials contained on this website may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, other intellectual property rights and other related laws and may have various legal consequences.
4. Materials provided by third party providers have not been independently authenticated in whole or in part by ' EduKraft Learning '. www.edukraftlearning.com does not provide, sell, assign, license, or lease any of the materials other than those specifically identified as being provided by '’ EduKraft Learning ‘'. '’ EduKraft Learning’’ is committed to respecting others intellectual property rights and we ask our users to do the same.' EduKraft Learning ' (herein referred to as "We") may, in its sole discretion, terminate the access rights of users who infringe or violate others' intellectual property rights.
• Disclaimer of online availability, impressions, and click-through:
In addition to the other disclaimers and limitations discussed in this notice, there are no guarantees and warranties regarding online availability, impressions, and click-through of www.edukraftlearning.com. Its web pages and any material on the website may be unavailable for online access at any time. Advertising sponsors and advertisement must be approved by ' EduKraft Learning ' before being able to post any advertising material, information, links, content, banners, and graphics on www.edukraftlearning.com. Any advertisement should be related to interactive digital television and related subject areas. ' EduKraft Learning '. Reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising sponsor or advertisement for any reason.
Limitation of liability:
Under no circumstances and legal theory, tort, contract, or otherwise shall ' EduKraft Learning '. Its directors, officers, employees, agents, sponsors, consultants, business partners or other representatives ('service providers') be liable, without limitation, for any damage (direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive) arising out of any access/use of or any inability to access/use this website. This includes any material, information, links, and content accessed through this website or through any linked external website.
Local laws:
' EduKraft Learning ' .Controls and operates this website from its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka , India and makes no representation that the materials on the website are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use this website from other locations, you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws including but not limited to the export and import regulations of other countries. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, all marketing or promotional materials found on this website are solely directed to individuals, companies or other entities located in India and comply with the laws prevailing in India (at that point of time). Disputes if any shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Pune.
1. This website could include unintended inaccuracies or typographical errors. ' EduKraft Learning ' and the third party providers may make improvements and/or changes in the products, services, programs, and prices described in this website at any time without notice. The website is subject to periodic update and revision.
2. The material, information, links, and content presented on and by this website are of a general nature only and are not intended to address the specific circumstances, requirements, or needs of any particular individual or entity. It cannot be guaranteed that the material, information, links, and content presented on and by this website is comprehensive, complete, accurate, sufficient, timely, or up to date for any particular purpose or use. The material, information, links, and content presented on and by this website should not be considered as professional, legal, business, financial, investment, or purchasing advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional). This website is sometimes linked to external websites over which ' EduKraft Learning ' Has no control and assume no responsibility, and are in no way acting as a publisher of material, information, links, and content contained on external linked websites. Links may become invalid, may expire, or may become misdirected at any time. Links are provided as a convenience and do not necessarily constitute, signify, or otherwise imply an endorsement by, or an endorsement for, or a relationship with, or connection to 'EduKraft Learning' The statements expressed on external linked websites are not those of ' EduKraft Learning ' and users are advised that ' EduKraft Learning ' does not maintain editorial control over external linked websites or determine the appropriateness regarding the material, information, links, and content contained on external linked websites. ' EduKraft Learning ' has no control over any external website or over any external material, information, links, and content linked to www.edukraftlearning.com .
3. The subjects, their coverage, tests, their results and various tutorials are to be used to assess one's knowledge of concepts and as test papers. They should not be interpreted as a definitive score of one's ability. The tests and exercises are created for you to test your understanding of concepts and are not to be interpreted as sample question paper for any examination.
4. The website and your use of the website will be governed in all respects by the laws of India. 5. These terms represent the entire understanding relating to the use of the website and prevail over any prior or contemporaneous, conflicting, additional, or other communications. ' EduKraft Learning ' can modify these terms at any time without notice or consent by updating this posting.
6. In an event where any or a portion of the provisions of these terms are held invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable by a Court /Tribunal/Appellate/Tribunal or any other applicable authority, such provision shall be deemed to be valid, legal and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, and the remaining provisions of these terms shall remain in full force and effect. These terms are binding upon you and your heirs, representatives, successors and assigns. The headings of the several articles and subdivisions of these terms are inserted solely for the convenience of reference and shall have no further meaning, force or effect. No third party shall be a beneficiary of any provision of these terms, except with the express written consent of ' EduKraft Learning '.
Content and liability disclaimer:
Mention of non-' EduKraft Learning ' Services is provided for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation by ' EduKraft Learning '. All ' EduKraft Learning ' and third-party information provided on any ' EduKraft Learning' website is provided on an "as is" basis. Views expressed by the users are their own ' EduKraft Learning ' does not endorse the same. No claim as to the accuracy and correctness of the information on the site is made although every attempt is made to ensure that the content is not misleading. In case any inaccuracy or improper content is sighted on the website, please report it to report abuse.' EduKraft Learning '. Disclaims all warranties, whether expressed or implied, with regard to any information (including any software, products, or services) provided on any ' EduKraft Learning ' website, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
Purchasing and ordering disclaimer:
If you are making important purchasing or planning decisions, whether personal or business decisions, you should look at an actual demonstration model of any product you are considering before making your important purchasing or planning decisions. (Contact a supplier, store, or manufacturer regarding looking at any demonstration units.) All decisions made would be entirely your prerogative and ' EduKraft Learning ' does not claim to offer any advice, either legal or financial.
Read these terms:
In purchasing a Service you understand and agree to the terms below. If you do not understand and agree with these terms then do not place an order for a Service .
All prices are subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure accurate pricing of the services featured on our website. In an event where a service is ordered and the listed price has changed, you will be notified prior to our processing your order.
• <>Cancellation policy:b>
1. Cancellation of order needs to be done within two hours of placing the order
2. Cancellation is not allowed on promotional schemes
3. Fees paid would not be refunded in case of expiry of two hour window period of cancellation.
4. Cancellation requests can be made either by calling our helpline +91 74114 37505 or by an email to info@edukraftlearning.com
5. Cancellation is not applicable if the log in id and password generated is used. Irrespective of the test taken.
Refund policy:
1. All refunds would be made to the account from which the payment was .
2. Refunds would take 7 working days.
3. Refund cycle would start from the time of cancellation.
• Your responsibility;
You have sole responsibility for use of the services you purchase through this website. In no event shall edukraftlearning.com be liable to you in relation to the services you use/misuse or your inability to use the service, for any.
Your representations:
You represent that you are not a minor and that you are not under any legal or other disability which limits your ability to comply with these terms or to install and use the services you purchase with minimal risk of harm to you or others. You further represent that you are not purchasing the services for resale to others and will not do so without ' EduKraft Learning ''s prior written consent.
Use of website:
You represent, warrant and covenant that your use of the website shall not:
1. Volate any applicable local, provincial, state, national or international law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation;
2. Interfere with or disrupt computer networks connected to the website;
3. Upload, post, transmit, publish, or distribute any material or information for which you do not have all necessary rights and licenses;
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5. Interfere with or disrupt the use of the website by any other user, nor "stalk", threaten, or in any manner harass another user;
6. Upload, post, transmit, publish, or distribute any material or information which contains a computer virus, or other code, files or programs intending in any manner to disrupt or interfere with the functioning of the website, or that of other computer systems;
7. Use the website in such a manner as to gain unauthorized entry or access to the computer systems of others;
8. Upload, post, transmit, publish, or distribute any material or information that is unlawful, or which may potentially be perceived as being harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;
9. Reproduce, copy, modify, sell, store, distribute or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes the website, or any component thereof (including, but not limited to any materials or information accessible through the website);
10. Use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the website;
11. Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the website infrastructure;
12. Make any interpretation of test results or study material other than as a tool of learning and enhancing knowledge;
13. The tests and exercises are created for you to test your understanding of concepts and are not to be interpreted as a sample question paper for any examination.
You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ' EduKraft Learning ' and/ or its associate entities, their officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable, legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of the web site material or your breach of these terms and conditions of web site use.